Our Top 5 Human-Centered Business and Learning Design of 2021

Learn to create a culture of innovation, inclusion, and lifelong learning

Want to build a business that supports happier, healthier, more resilient humans? We had a lot to share in 2021 about how to help your employees reach their full potential by using a human-centered approach to culture, leadership, and learning experience design. 

The four articles and eBook listed below will give you a great introduction to creating spaces where your teams can manage, collaborate, and thrive together.

It’s All About Your People! Embracing Human-Centered Business, Workplace Culture, and Learning Design

In this eBook you’ll find everything we know about building a workplace culture of empathy, inclusion, creativity, and lifelong learning. It’s full of tips and exercises for helping your team strengthen their resilience and expand their potential. 

Download the eBook: https://insights.sweetrush.com/human-centered-business-learning-culture-ebook

Be Our Guest: A Service Design Approach To Learner Experience

Like a considerate host, you should always strive to keep your learners comfortable, engaged, and nourished with attention. We serve up four essential tasks that will aid you in creating a welcoming learner experience.

Read the article: https://elearningindustry.com/be-our-guest-service-design-approach-to-learner-experience

Communicate For Resilience: A Five-Step Challenge For L&D Teams

Ready to be the resilience you want to see in the world? This five-step challenge will help you develop supportive ways of speaking, listening, and sharing that leave everyone better off.

Take the challenge: https://elearningindustry.com/communicate-for-resilience-five-step-challenge-for-ld-teams

Decoding Learnerspeak: Translate Empathy Interviews Into Learner Experience

To truly connect with learners, you have to speak their language. Only by understanding what they’re really asking for can you provide them with a solution they’ll actually use—and enjoy!

Start decoding: https://elearningindustry.com/decoding-learnerspeak-translate-empathy-interviews-into-learner-experience

Serving Your People, Serving the World: Building a Life-Centered Business at SweetRush

“Do good things for your people, so they can do amazing things for the world.” If you believe as we do that only by helping people reach their potential can we reach our full potential as a people, this article will provide you with valuable advice and inspiration.

Get inspired: https://stagingwp.sweetrush.com/building-a-life-centered-business/

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