XR | Immersive Learning

Spark Virtual Reality - SweetRush Inc.

Create Innovative VR Training Experiences

—From Idea to Execution, VR Technology Through the Lens of L&D

Not Just for Gaming: VR Is an L&D Game Changer

Virtual reality learning content is exciting-because it works. Like you, we are learning and development professionals focused on improving performance and changing behavior. There is no question that VR training, when applied appropriately, is an exciting new tool to achieve organizational and instructional objectives.

VR is also a fast-moving space in which hardware, software, and capabilities are constantly evolving. If you're considering-or interested in-using virtual reality for training, we are a partner you can trust to help you every step of the way. 

Learn More About XR

VR Training: Are These Questions on Your Mind?

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How do I know when to apply
VR training solutions?
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How do I know when to apply
VR training solutions?
VR is a powerful tool in the L&D toolkit, made even more so as part of a holistic, blended learning design. In VR, learners can practice myriad skills—from safety to sales, soft skills to technical training—in a repeatable, scalable, fully immersive way. We can work with you to explore the challenges you have on your learning landscape and together determine which of them might be a good candidate for VR training.
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Who is the right vendor
to help me?
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Who is the right vendor
to help me?
If you’re excited to pioneer and bring innovative new technology to your organization,the key to your success is Finding a Trustworthy L&D Partner you can trust who can simplify the process and guide you from conception to final product. Of course, we hope to make your short list, but do your due diligence. Choose a vendor that knows VR, knows L&D, and has all the elements of instructional design, solution design and creative design; VR engineering expertise; and an attitude of caring and commitment. Choose a team you feel you can trust.

The SweetRush Approach to VR Training

Instructional Design

From hospitals to hotels, the shop floor to the retail floor, virtual reality employee training is exceptional in its ability to immerse learners and capture their attention in a way nothing else can. It provides a safe environment and sustainable approach to skills application and experiential learning. We excel at combining the art and science of instruction with the immersive experience of VR training, and we are ready to help you design and develop effective virtual reality training programs.

Instructional Design - SweetRush Inc.
Custom Solution Design - SweetRush Inc.

Custom Solution Design

As learning professionals, we know that two concepts hold true: No technology is a silver bullet to address all performance objectives, and one size does not fit all. VR is an innovative tool and can be an effective component of a blended learning design. As a full-service custom learning provider, we have the tools and flexibility to create the best VR training solutions to connect with learners, address performance needs, and positively impact business drivers.

Creative Design

VR training is a visual experience—as you put on a headset and enter a new world, visual quality is what will immerse you in the experience. We’ve created award-winning VR training solutions using live-action 360 video and computer-generated imagery (CGI)—and even a hybrid of the two. VR aside, we are known in the industry as a partner that excels at crafting engaging user experiences. Put your creative hat on and collaborate with us.

Creative Design - SweetRush Inc.
Engineering - SweetRush Inc.


The challenge and excitement of VR is that together we are inventing our way into every VR training solution. Body tracking, vocal recognition and analysis, biometric feedback, learning analytics.…New possibilities require experimentation and innovation. For 20 years, we’ve led the L&D industry with a focus on R&D, and we’ve applied the same focus to VR training. We’re ready to show you how we’ve created VR training tools and technologies specific to your L&D needs.

Immersive Learning Awards



Best Use of Virtual Worlds

Brandon Hall Excellence Awards

Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning Awards 2019


Best Use of Virtual Worlds

Brandon Hall Excellence Awards



Best Use of Games or Simulations for Learning

Brandon Hall Excellence Awards



Excellence in Technical Innovation

Chief Learning Officer


Chosen #1

Content Providers with AI Expertise


Experiential Learning Technologies

eLearning Industry

Content Providers for Immersive Learning

Chosen #1

Content Providers for Immersive Learning

eLearning Industry


Advanced Learning Technologies

eLearning Industry

Adrian Soto

Adrian Soto

Director of Immersive Tech

We have a tremendous wealth of experience designing and developing successful learning solutions for world-class clients, and we’d be honored to jump in and contribute to your success.

Contact Adrian

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