

Looking for that spark of genius?

Where learning design meets technology

Technology does not replace the need for solid instructional design, but it does open up a world of exciting possibilities for learning and development: eLearning, gamification, mobile, apps, and portals…and now we add the emerging technologies of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI). Our clients trust us when their needs go beyond what can be accomplished by off-the-shelf authoring systems, and when you are ready, we are ready to be your collaborator and guide.

How Spark Can Help







Virtual Reality Design & Development

True immersive learning—finally

VR places one in a fully digital and simulated environment. Its implications are extraordinary and it is seemingly futuristic…but it is here now. Imagine hands-on technical training—but one that does not require the physical objects—or the empathy you’ll experience when you are the minority in the room or the target of an abuser. VR goes far beyond what is possible with video or standard interactive eLearning.

VR is not a magic bullet and needs to be applied appropriately and for the right reasons, and there are numerous considerations such as expense, equipment, and deployment. Thankfully, many of our clients have been more than curious, and they’ve jumped in with us to engage VR on real projects. We are happy to discuss VR with you anytime, and if you’d like a more in-depth exploration, check out our Emerging Technologies (ET) Workshop below.


Virtual Reality Content Distribution

We know from experience,
having created virtual reality for numerous clients,
that how you distribute your VR
is a hurdle everyone faces.
Now you can overcome this challenge
with the SPARK VR platform.

Augmented Reality (AR)


Altered perceptions of the real world—and it’s legal!

Whereas VR is a fully simulated and immersive experience, AR alters our perception by adding digital components to our real world. It holds remarkable opportunities for the learning and development field, and can be both interactive and informative.

And given the ubiquity of smartphones, it’s scalable! AR offers cost-effective opportunities to deliver on-demand and at-the-time-of-need support and education, and it opens up a whole new world of possibilities!


Intelligent Assistants / Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Alexa, Siri…Which way is up?

Voice-activated smart speakers and chatbots have put us on the ramp to AI and are quickly becoming our friends and part of our daily lives. But have you thought about how elegantly on demand and scalable they are, and how they can affect your efforts to teach and inform?  And—once developed—they can operate independently, freeing up you and your audience. Alexa, set up a time for us to meet!


Custom App Development


Who likes to be in a box?

Commercial authoring tools do a fine job and we use them all. But many times, our clients want to go beyond—say, a sophisticated game, a higher level of accessibility, a web portal, an innovative leaderboard. We love these challenges and our clients love the results.

When you have the need to break out of the box, give us a shout.

ET Workshops / The Emerging Technologies Experience

We’ve prepared a full-day workshop so you and your team can come together and learn how, when, and why to leverage emerging technologies. We’ll show you the tools—and provide you hands-on experiences! We’ll walk you through the production process, deployment, and costs. And, we will break down when to use emerging technologies in the learning and development context. The workshop is built to be highly informative and engaging—and you’ll grow from the VR experiences!


Awards for Emerging Technologies



Best Use of Virtual Worlds

Brandon Hall Excellence Awards

Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning Awards 2019


Best Use of Virtual Worlds

Brandon Hall Excellence Awards



Best Use of Games or Simulations for Learning

Brandon Hall Excellence Awards



Excellence in Technology Innovation

Chief Learning Officer

Dani Silver

Dani Silver

Solution Architect

We have a tremendous wealth of experience designing and developing successful learning solutions for world-class clients, and we’d be honored to jump in and contribute to your success.

Contact Dani

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