Performance Support

You've delivered your training.

What happens when your learners are back on the job?

At SweetRush, we understand that learning is an ongoing process, not a one-time event.

Performance support provides quick reference materials at the point of need.


From low-tech options (such as job aids, self-study materials, and recorded webinars) to cutting-edge nano learning (short eLearning courses accessed on demand via PC, tablet, or phone), we craft ways to keep the content fresh in learners’ minds, enhancing your ROI without breaking your bank.

We can also help you keep these materials organized with a portal or mobile app.

Give all your associates the opportunity to be high performers with fast, effective, real-time solutions. Your bottom line will thank you.

Performance Support Awards

BH 2023 badge (L&D GOLD)


Best Use of Performance Support

Brandon Hall Excellence Awards

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